• Easter Greetings

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christ is Risen! He is our Hope, Truth and Life. May the Risen Christ, who opened the doors of the tomb, open our hearts to the needs of the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, the poor, the unemployed, the marginalized, and all those who knock at our door in search of bread, and the recognition of their dignity. May we let ourselves be renewed by Him! May this Easter bring comfort to the people who have lost their loved ones because of COVID-19. May the Living Christ grant His peace to us and the entire world. May the Risen Lord accompany us in our struggles and challenges during…

  • Sunday March 21st- Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass, in the church, on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday of Lent. For those who are unable to attend, Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 Lent: I would like to invite you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities to prepare well for the celebration of Easter.  Private Prayer – The church narthex will remain open, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.…

  • Sunday March 14th – Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass, in the church, on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). For those who are unable to attend, Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 Year of St. Joseph – Be sure to check today’s bulletin for links to the Novena to St. Joseph and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter for the Year of St. Joseph. This coming Friday, March…

  • Third Sunday of Lent- Sunday March 7th, 2021

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass, in the church, on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. For those who are unable to attend, Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        https://zoom.us/j/5887658626?pwd=Y1Y1UjN0c3NwdElUQ1pOUnpEVUR0dz09 Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 Bishop Crosby’s Letter on Conscience Rights for Healthcare Workers: Please see the attachment with today’s bulletin and message, on this very important issue. For more information, you are encouraged to click on the…

  • Second Sunday of Lent – February 28, 2021

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass, in the church, on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent. For those who are unable to attend, Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 Financial Report – This weekend, the financial report will be presented at each of the Masses. Thank you for your continued support of the parish. We are pleased to include with today’s message a copy of…

  • First Sunday of Lent – February 21, 2021

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass, in the church, on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent. For those who are unable to attend, Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 Lent: I would like to invite you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities to prepare well for the celebration of Easter. See below and the bulletin for more details. Private Prayer – The church…

  • Re-Opening of Churches February 17th

    Information regarding Masses the week of February 15, 2021 to February 21, 2021. The Masses this coming week will be as follows: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. on Zoom On Wednesday Masses will resume in the church. Mass on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 (Ash Wednesday)  will be at 7 p.m.  Masses will then return to the usual schedule: Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 8:30 a.m. Friday, February 19, 2021 – 8:30 a.m.  Saturday, February 20, 2021 – 9:00 a.m.  Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 21, 2021 – 10:00 a.m. Please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office on Tuesday should you…

  • 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Sunday February 14

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass on Zoom, on Saturday at 7:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass is celebrated on Tuesday to Friday at 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 9:00 a.m., Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 7 p.m., and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and streamlined on Zoom, as is the Divine Mercy Chaplet, at 3 p.m. (Tuesday – Friday). For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 For those who are unable to join…

  • 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February , 2021

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass on Zoom, on Saturday at 7:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass is celebrated on Tuesday to Friday at 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 9:00 a.m., Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 7 p.m., and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and streamlined on Zoom, as is the Divine Mercy Chaplet, at 3 p.m. (Tuesday – Friday). For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626 Password: 274733 For those who are unable to join…

  • 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

    Dear Parishioners,  Praised be Jesus Christ! I would like to invite you to join me for Mass on Zoom, on Saturday at 7:00 p.m.  and/or Sunday at 10 a.m., as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass is celebrated on Tuesday to Friday at 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 9:00 a.m., Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 7 p.m., and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and streamlined on Zoom, as is the Divine Mercy Chaplet, at 3 p.m. (Tuesday – Friday). For your convenience, I am including the link and password for the online streaming:        Meeting ID: 588 765 8626                                                                                                                               Password: 274733 For those who are unable to join…