Sacraments and Liturgy
Pre-baptismal preparation (a one-hour meeting) is required and is available to parents after they register their child for baptism. These meetings are friendly gatherings helping parents to learn more how to accompany their children in passing on their faith. If child care is an issue, parents may bring their children. Godparents may attend but their presence is not mandatory.
First Communion
The Eucharist – Jesus fully present under the appearance of bread and wine is the heart of Catholic belief and worship. “Come to communion, come to Jesus, come to live of Him, in order to live for Him.” St. J. Vianney
Our parish designed additional activities for children and their parents to appreciate more deeply the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Grade 2 children make their First Communion in the spring, preparing throughout the school year to receive this sacrament. Collaboration of parents with our school and parish is very essential in making this program spiritually beneficial to them and their children.
Catholic children in public school are prepared through the Catechetical Correspondence Program designed by the diocese. Please contact our parish office to register for the program.
The Sacrament of Confirmation completes or “seals” our baptism, with candidates reaffirming their baptismal promises. We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to strengthen their Christian life and to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus and develop a mature spirituality.
The Confirmation of Grade 7 students – the preparation is a joint experience through the parish and Religion class within the school.
Catholic children in public school are asked to contact our parish office as your child prepares to enter grade 7 in order to register for their religion classes.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or Children (RCIA/RCIC)
Older children and adults who desire to become Catholic are encouraged to inquire about the RCIA program by contacting the Parish Office.
Funeral Information
The Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Hamilton
Catholic Funeral Planning, Cremation and Burial Services in the Diocese of Hamilton
Main Office: 1-800-661-5985