Words from Father
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time-October 10, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News REVISED – COVID-19 Protocols – Earlier this week, we received a revised policy from the Diocese of Hamilton. You are encouraged to learn more about the updated COVID-19 protocols, while being in the church. The link is on the Homepage of our parish website or click on the following link: REVISED_20211007_Vaccine-Policy.pdf (stteresakit.ca) or for your convenience, we are including it as an attachment with this communication, as well. Mask Exemptions – Those who are exempted (see above…
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time- October 3, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Registration for Confirmation – Will take place this Sunday, October 3, 2021 following the 10 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall. We kindly ask you to pray for these Candidates and Parents as they enter this exciting preparation process for the reception of these sacraments. First Friday/Healing Mass – Please join us this evening, Friday, October 1, 2021 for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 6:00 p.m. followed by Mass at 7:00 p.m. Confession…
26th Sunday in Ordinary TIme-Sunday September 26
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Registration for First Communion – Will take place this Sunday following the 10 a.m. Mass, in the Parish Hall. Registration for Confirmation– Will take place next Sunday, October 3, 2021 following the 10 a.m. Mass, in the Parish Hall. We kindly ask you to pray for these Candidates and Parents as they enter this exciting preparation process for the reception of these sacraments. First Friday – Please join us this coming Friday, October 1, 2021…
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time-September 19th 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Divine Mercy Chapel – The Divine Mercy Chapel is now open. Please see the bulletin for important information regarding guidelines when coming to the chapel. Hours are still available and you can sign up by contacting the parish office. Special Collection – The collection for The Needs of the Canadian Church takes place this weekend and next. Donations can be left in the baskets upon leaving the church. Attachments: Have a blessed weekend! With…
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 12, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Divine Mercy Chapel – The Divine Mercy Chapel is open. We are in urgent need of Adorers for the following hours: Thursdays – 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursdays – 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Fridays – 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Other hours are also available. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to sign up for an hour. Attachments: Have a blessed weekend! With prayers, Fr. Marian Gil OMI
Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News First Friday – Please join us this evening for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 6:00 p.m. followed by Mass at 7:00 p.m. Confession will be available. Divine Mercy Chapel – The Divine Mercy Chapel opens, today, for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. We are still in need of volunteers. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to sign up for an hour. Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mass – The Saturday morning…
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mass – During the month of August, there will be no Saturday morning Mass. The Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mass will resume on September 4, 2021. Divine Mercy Chapel – Please see the bulletin for news of the chapel’s reopening for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We are still in need of volunteers to be able to open the chapel on our planned date of September 3rd. We have an urgent need for Tuesdays from…
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Sunday August 15, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mass – During the month of August, there will be no Saturday morning Mass. The Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mass will resume in September. Live-streaming of Sunday Mass – Please note that this Sunday, August 15th, there will be no live-streaming of Mass. For those who are unable to attend Mass at this time, please see our parish website for other TV and Online Masses. Divine Mercy Chapel – Please see the bulletin for news…
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time-July 18, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, please read the bulletin. Parish News Stage 3 of Reopening – Import Information – Please read the section in today’s bulletin regarding the new changes to our liturgical celebration. This will assist you in becoming familiar with the new guidelines and instructions, before attending Mass. Parish Office – Please read the parish bulletin for up-dated information. Registration for Saturday & Sunday Masses – We ask and encourage parishioners to register in advance of coming to Mass. This will help us to have…
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday July 4, 2021
Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! As the churches are now open, I would like you to join me for Mass on Sundays and weekdays. For the detailed Mass schedule and announcements, I would ask you to read the bulletin. Other News Re-opening of churches – Registration – As the churches are now open with a 15% capacity, we ask and encourage parishioners to register in advance of coming to Mass. This will help us to have a better idea of the numbers of people attending the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses. Please click on the following link to register. Thank you. http://stteresakit.ca/?page_id=2193 Attachments: I would like to take this opportunity to wish…