A Message for Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Dear Parishioners, 

I would once again, like to thank you for your prayers and support. It has been wonderful, as well, to be a part of your sharing online and on the telephone – the challenges, as well as the moments of joy you are experiencing in these days. Thank you for sharing. 

With Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Week, one of the greatest events in our Parish and in our Liturgical Calendar.  This year, it will have special meaning to each one of us.  As the name suggests, it is a holy time, a time of grace. As such, I have dedicated a good portion of the bulletin this week to this. I hope this will be informative, and help you to learn a little more about one of the many treasures of our faith. Along with the bulletin, I am also attaching several documents:

Since we will not gather as a community for any of the celebrations during the Paschal Triduum, we are invited to dedicate substantial time to prayer and spiritual reading. I would especially like to invite you to join us, online, as we livestream the celebrations taking place in the parish, during this sacred time. 

Holy Week Celebrations:

Saturday, April 4th, Mass at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00p.m.

Palm Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – Mass

Tuesday to Thursday at 3:00 p.m. – The Divine Mercy Chaplet

Tuesday to Thursday at 7:00 p.m. – Mass

Good Friday: 3:00 p.m. – Passion of Jesus and Divine Mercy Novina

Good Friday: 7:00 p.m. – Station of the Cross

Holy Saturday: 3:00 p.m. – Divine Mercy Novina

Easter Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – Resurrection Mass

Please join us on ZOOM by clicking the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5887658626 This link is active only during the celebrations listed above.

As the church remains closed, I would also ask you to continue to keep our parish community in your prayers and prayerfully consider continuing your donations either by mail, or drop off through the slot in the Parish Office door. You can also, if you choose, make your donations by credit card by following this link: https://hamiltondiocese.com/give/ Further instructions can be found in the bulletin. Thank you.

Lastly, I would also like to continue to invite you to send in any prayer requests you may have. It is good to be able to pray with and for each other, and if you need any help or assistance, please do not hesitate to call the office or send us an email message at st.teresa@stteresakit.ca

As we journey together through this Holy Week and these uncertain times, let us continue to be mindful of each other and be united to each other through prayer.

With prayers,Fr. Marian Gil OMI