Ascension Sunday Message
Dear Parishioners,
Christ has risen, and Ascended into Heaven, Alleluia!
As we enter this final week of the Easter Season, it is hard to believe, that we have not been able to gather, to celebrate this very special Liturgical Season. I wish to, once again, thank you for your prayers and continued support of our parish community. We are very blessed to continue to maintain a strong parish family – a family of faith and mutual support.
This week, in the Parish Bulletin, you will find a section dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. May, is traditionally a month dedicated to honouring her. I encourage you to read the article and make use of the suggestions, in a special way, during this month. Usually, this is also a time when the School Children gather for a May Crowning. This, unfortunately, will not happen this year, but I have included an activity in this week’s bulletin for the children. I hope that they will respond to my request, so that we may have a large “bouquet” of creations to display in front of the statue of Our Lady, in the church, on May 30th. Please see the bulletin for more details. Pope Francis, is also encouraging us to pray the Rosary, during the month of May and so I invite you to join us for our Marian Devotions, following the Eucharist, Tuesday to Saturday.
This Sunday is World Day for Social Communications. Please refer to the bulletin for the Message of His Holiness, Pope Francis, to mark this occasion.
Today marks the beginning of the Novena for Pentecost. I invite you and encourage you, to join me during the Marian Devotions, as we pray together, to prepare for Pentecost. For those who are unable, please take advantage of the attached PDF, to pray at home, for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
For those, who wish, you may also want to access a Novena Retreat for Pentecost, prepared by St. Augustine Seminary, in Toronto. The talks are approximately 30 minutes and will be available each day, after 7 a.m., on YouTube and Facebook. Here is the link to St. Augustine Seminary: You can click on the format you wish to use.
I continue to celebrate Mass and the Divine Mercy Devotion, according to the schedule below, so I hope you will join us, on Zoom. It is encouraging to see that more and more people are following us every day. Please contact for our Zoom information.
Schedule of upcoming online events:
Mass is celebrated on Tuesday to Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9:00 a.m., Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 7 p.m., and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and streamlined on Zoom, as is the Divine Mercy Chaplet, at 3 p.m. (Tuesday – Friday).
Marian Devotion will take place during the month of May, following the Eucharist, from Tuesday to Saturday.
Novena for Pentecost will take place during the Marian Devotion. The Novena starts today, May 22, 2020.
Please take note of the following documents:
· Bulletin for The Ascension of the Lord.
- Handouts for children
Wishing you all a blessed Easter Season,
Fr. Marian Gil OMI