Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples of Canada

Statement from the Canadian Catholic Bishops on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples of Canada

To Inform, To Encourage, To Heal – A Resource on Residential Schools in Canada 

In response to the recent discoveries of unmarked graves on the site of former Residential Schools across Canada, His Excellency, Bishop Crosby, OMI, issued a Pastoral Letter entitled: To Inform, To Encourage, To Heal. 

His Excellency’s letter, along with multiple resources including: a brief history of Residential Schools in Canada, Expressions of Apology and Actions and Commitments towards reconciliation, have been encompassed in a special section on our diocesan website. In an effort to share this initiative further and to provide an informative response to inquiries of parishioners across the Diocese, we include the following link: 

Catholic Churches are Burning Down: Brian Holdsworth

Catholic Residential Schools Scandal | How To Respond?

Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski

Residential Schools – Information from the Archdiocese of Toronto