Words from Father

  • 6th Sunday of Easter

    Dear Parishioners,  Christ has risen, Alleluia!  As we enter the Sixth Week of Easter, I wish to, once again, thank you for your prayers and continued support of our parish community.  It has been quite some time, since we have been able to gather together, here in the church, and yet, we are very blessed to continue to maintain a strong parish family – a family of faith and mutual support.  This coming week, marks the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of St. John Paul II. Please take some time to read the article in the bulletin. A live-streamed Mass will be celebrated from Rome, on May 18th at 7:00 a.m. Also,…

  • 5th Sunday of Easter

    Dear Parishioners,  Christ has risen, Alleluia!  It is hard to believe, that we are already entering the Fifth Week of Easter. I wish to, once again, thank you for your prayers and continued support of our parish community; and even though we are still isolated, it is so wonderful, that we continue to maintain, a strong parish family – a family of faith and mutual support. Contact the parish office for the link and password for Sunday’s Mass. st.teresa@stteresakit.ca This Sunday, in a very special way, we remember our Mothers – those who have gone before us and those who are with us. We recognize and honour our Mothers, for…

  • 4th Sunday of Easter – Message from Father

    Dear Parishioners,  Christ has risen Alleluia!  Thank you for prayers and continued support of our parish community. Your sincere testimonies that you share on-line, move us – sometimes to tears.  Even though we are isolated, we maintain a strong parish family – a family of faith and mutual support. I wish to share with you some news of a very special day in the life of the Church, here in Canada. On May 1, 2020, the Catholic Bishops of Canada will consecrate their individual dioceses or eparchies to Mary, Mother of the Church, seeking her protection during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please see the bulletin for more details and information on how…

  • Divine Mercy Sunday Message

    Dear Parishioners, Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! As we continue to celebrate the great Solemnity of Easter, I once again, wish to thank you for your continued support, prayers, email messages, phone calls and Easter cards. I am humbled by your generosity towards our parish community, especially during this difficult time. Parish life continues, even though we are isolated, and I would like to share with you some of things taking place: I have had 2 online meetings with the Finance Committee to address our financial situation. I will share a bit more with you, next week, regarding these discussions. I also continue to celebrate Mass and the Divine Mercy…

  • 3rd Sunday of Easter

    Dear Parishioners,  As we journey with our Risen Lord, and continue to celebrate this Easter Season, I once again, wish to thank you for your prayers, email messages, phone calls, letters and continued support of our parish community, especially during this difficult time. As I mentioned last week, even though we are isolated, parish life continues, as does the life of the Church throughout the world, and so, I wish to share with you some news of a very special day in the life of the Church, here in Canada. On May 1, 2020, the Catholic Bishops of Canada will consecrate their individual dioceses or eparchies to Mary, Mother of the…

  • Support for Isolated Seniors

    Student Senior Isolation Prevention Partnership – A group of students at McMaster and the University of Waterloo have started the Mac-Waterloo-Niagara Student Senior Isolation Prevention Partnership (SSIPP) to assist socially isolated seniors during the COVID outbreak. Our program pairs student volunteers with socially isolated older adults to check-in via weekly phone calls in order to provide social comfort and standard patient education about COVID-19. Older adults living in the Hamilton, Waterloo, or Niagara regions can be referred through a member of their healthcare team or community organizations to the program. At the moment, we have over 100 healthcare professional students signed up to help us (many of whom speak different languages).  Many older adults are…

  • A Message for Easter Weekend

    Happy Easter 2020! Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christ is alive! He is our Hope, Truth and Life. May the Risen Christ, who open the doors of the tomb, open our hearts to the needs of the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, the poor, the unemployed, the marginalized, and all those who knock at our door in search of bread, and the recognition of their dignity. May we let ourselves to be renewed by Him! May this Easter bring comfort to the people who lost their love ones because of COVIT-19. May the Living Christ grant His peace to us and the entire world. May the Risen Lord accompany us in our straggles…

  • A Message for Palm Sunday and Holy Week

    Dear Parishioners,  I would once again, like to thank you for your prayers and support. It has been wonderful, as well, to be a part of your sharing online and on the telephone – the challenges, as well as the moments of joy you are experiencing in these days. Thank you for sharing.  With Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Week, one of the greatest events in our Parish and in our Liturgical Calendar.  This year, it will have special meaning to each one of us.  As the name suggests, it is a holy time, a time of grace. As such, I have dedicated a good portion of the bulletin this week to…

  • March 24th Message

    Dear Parishioners In light of our continued separation due to COVID-19, and in anticipation that our current situation will last at least a few more weeks, I am hoping to reach out to as many of you as possible, to keep our St. Teresa Parish family connected. As such, I would ask that you all give some thought as to what your needs are at this time and also what sort of items would assist you that could be added to our bulletin. The bulletin will be uploaded to our St. Teresa Parish website. We will also keep our webpage updated as we receive news from the Diocese of Hamilton,…

  • 5th Sunday of Lent

    Dear Parishioners, Thank you for your prayers and support during this challenging time.  As I mentioned in last week’s communication, I will try to stay in contact with you, using different means of communication, and at least once a week, using written communication. Please see the attached Diocesan documents and parish bulletin. As you probably already know, the Liturgies of Holy Week will be celebrated without the participation of our congregation: https://hamiltondiocese.com/coronavirus-updates I would like to let you know that Mass is celebrated on Tuesday to Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9:00 a.m., Saturday Vigil in anticipation of Sunday at 7 p.m., and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and streamlined…